Jaco van Schalkwyk

Smoke and Mirrors

Publisher: Barnard.

ISBN: 978-1-991213-96-9

Dimensions: 240 x 190 mm

Pages: 48

Published on the occasion of the exhibition: Smoke and Mirrors at Barnard 28 August - 09 October 2021



Layout and design: Alexandra Gaag & Alastair Whitton

Essay: Prof Karen von Veh

Accompanying text: Indra Wussow

Artwork and portrait photography: Ivan Muller

Installation photography:Vanessa Cowling

Photography Printing & binding: Orms Print Room

Print consultant: Zane Luther

ISBN: 978-1-991213-96-9

Copyright: Jaco van Schalkwyk and Barnard

Printed and bound in South Africa